Wednesday, March 28, 2012

lean to ATL...

Home team has won every game h-2-h this season and yes, I know this is the 5th game in 6 days for ATL, but MIL did just fine in this spot last night, beating these same Hawks...CHI has looked mediocre their last 2 games...Playing extended games without Rose is catching up with them, IMO...

I am not betting ATL though...

Super-busy today at work and I only had time to glance at the games...I will stalk for 2H lines as there are 7 games that will be going to half within 30 minutes of each other from about 8:05 to 8:35ish...

Also, either THUR or FRI, I will start posting at the ThinkDog forum for the rest of the NBA regular season...More on that later...

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