Monday, March 26, 2012

Stalking for 2H plays tonight...

I have 2 projects to complete in the next 48 hours, so I will be swamped...I will look for 2H opportunities...I glanced at the game lines and the only lean I have their is Toronto...

Probably no write-ups until this project is done...


  1. been following your blog, good stuff. what do u think of wizards/pistons over 2H? very low shooting %, seems like it should pick up right?

  2. I guess we were on the same wavelength as it does qualify as a play for me, for sure, but I don't trust these 2 teams in this spot...

    It is take the Over or pass and I decided to pass...

  3. fair enough, i agree these teams are so bad that it may not even pick up, might play it for a half unit.

    regarding that under yesterday(heat/thunder), man that shoulda been a huge play. i just got home in time to hit it for a unit but with the snail pace/high shooting % in a playoff type game, that was almost too perfect.

    anyways keep it up, i follow your blog every day and we usually are on the same page regarding 2H plays.

  4. Thank you and I am glad to hear that other people out there are on the same page with my line of thinking on these 2H plays...

    I hope to have my database done in the Fall and if that happens, I will be back-testing many 2H theories that I have which will make it easier to attach unit values and it should show me if I am passing on the right games or whether I should play more...

